Each year, the City of Eugene’s Cultural Services division awards grants for programming downtown. Up to $5,000 will be awarded per project to individuals or organizations who wish to produce their own quality programming in public spaces. The goal of the grants is to fund cultural events and art installations within downtown Eugene. More details about the Downtown Program Fund can be found on the city’s website.
Do you have a big idea for an event or arts programming downtown? Downtown Eugene Merchants is here to help you codify your idea, connect to other business owners to help bring your idea to life, and get your application completed. Putting on events is something DEM does well, but it takes inspired and driven individuals like you to put ideas on the table and bring them to life.
Applications are open until February 7th, which also happens to be the date of our next general meeting. So don’t wait until then to contact us about your idea and get help submitting your application! Contact merchants@downtowneugene.com to get connected to the folks who can help you with your programming.
The city also offers resources for a successful application.
An online work session will take place Thursday, Jan. 18, from noon-1 p.m. The session will be led by David Dickinson, Senior Downtown Events and Permitting Coordinator. The session recording will be available to view after Jan. 18. It can be joined via Zoom with passcode DPF2024!
And in-person work session will be held Monday, Jan. 29, 4:30-6 p.m. The location is still to-be-determined. All interested applicants are welcome to attend this in-person, drop-in session where you can talk about your specific project and bring your questions.